Posts in Travel
Weekend Getaway || South Padre, Texas

Because our trip was so short, we kept things pretty simple.  We spent most of our time on the beach boogie boarding and relaxing.  While there we did attempt to fish on their main pier back in Port Isabella (the last city before you cross the bridge into Padre), but alas we came home empty handed (although I do count the Pokemon I caught as a solid win). 

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#FollowMeTo || Cancun

About two weeks ago my husband and I decided to take a little vacation to  celebrate our 4th anniversary together.  When we first got married we made a deal to take vacations instead of buying each other anniversary gifts. 

This year we went to Cancun, Mexico and had an amazing time. In true producer fashion, I brought along my Sony NEX - 5T to shoot and had the great idea of incorporating a #FollowMeTo approach to filming our adventure.  Luckily, Mr. Hallease is always willing to indulge my shenanigans. 

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